Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"I far-yed"

This video was taken in the early morning in Jacklynn's room that she shares with her big sister. That explains the Twilight posters.

Watch until the end....that's the best part, and it gives the reason for the title of this post :)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Live And Learn

This is what happens when you put braids in a kid's hair, let her sleep in them, and leave them in the next day. Oops.

She also got her hair stuck in the zipper of her tent. I will admit to laughing and taking this picture before I freed her. I'm so mean :(

Saturday, April 24, 2010

All Grown Up

I think Jacky is eager to become a teenager. She's not only developed quite the attitude, but today, I walked in on Jacklynn getting into her sister's stuff (she left her closet open again...). I picked her up, about to tell her the usual "We don't get into our sister's stuff" deal, but then I caught a whiff of strong fragrance. I recognized the smell, and found the source: under her arms. She'd found her sister's deodorant, and put it on her armpits. She must've needed a refresher.

Apparently, it was also that time of the month....she found a pad, and stuck it over her diaper. Lovely. She looked ridiculous, especially in her froggy night gown and fancy boots. She's going to hate me for this when she is older.....I got a picture of it:

No joke. Glad I shared that with you? You're Welcome :)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Jacklynn's 24 month development checklist

She seems to be pretty well on track!

Understands the meaning of "don't" (YES, though she doesn't always obey)

Knows names for familiar people and objects (YES)

Uses fifty words if talking (YES)

Makes two word sentences if talking (YES, more than that)

Listens to short books and nursery rhymes (YES)

Points to six parts of the body when asked (YES)

Speaks gibberish that has the cadence of rhythm of speech (YES)

Identifies four pictures in a book with words if talking. (YES)

Follows a two-step command (YES, sometimes more)

Understands categories (e.g., "toys," "books") (YES)

Points to specific pictures in books when asked (NO, Haven't tried, but I am sure she could)

Tries different ways to do something (YES)

Learns from looking at books. (NO, she isn't read to that often)

Pretends (YES)

Focuses on an activity for five minutes (YES)

Chooses (between two things) (YES)

Inspects something by looking (not tasting or touching) (NO, she is always touching things)

Runs (YES)

Stacks six blocks (YES)

Rides a toy by pushing on the floor with alternating feet (NO, but she hasn't really practiced)

Walks up steps (YES)

Kicks ball forward (YES)

Has an impact by saying "no" or resisting (YES)

Feels concerned when someone is crying (YES)

Tries to comfort someone who is very upset (YES)

Handles simple responsibilities (YES)

Is interested in other children (YES)

Feeds a doll (YES)

Drinks from a cup without a lid (YES)

Uses a spoon and fork (YES, when she wants to)

Washes and dries hands (YES)

Takes off some clothes (YES, all of them)

Puts on an article of clothing (

Puts arms and legs through holes when being dressed (YES)

Dirty Mouth?

This'll shape you up real quick!