Sunday, September 27, 2009

What's in a name?

Our names are special and unique to us. Jacklynn's especially. It fits her so well. We couldn't picture her with any different name. Jack is her Grandpa's name, which is where her name came from.
Jacklynn is getting so big, and so smart. She is talking up a storm, loves her please and thank you's, and says them often without coaxing. Even though she is little miss drama and attitude sometimes, she's a good girl, and really, she's almost two. We would be worried if she wasn't a little miss priss on occasion.
At age 19 months, she is nearly 28 lbs, in size 24 month to 2T clothing, and wears a size 6 shoe. Her hair is getting quite long. Hard to tell how long it truly is since it is so curly. She has 12 teeth (four on top front, four on bottom front, four molars [two on top, two on bottom, in the same spot]). She is growing up right before our eyes, and before we know it, she'll be in preschool!

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